My subject favorite: "Dinámicas de la Administración Pública Chilena"

I´m going to talk about my subject favorite "Dinámicas de la Administración Pública Chilena", because I consider that this subject is the more associated with the career. 

In class the teacher project a power point with the subject and begin to talk. In this semester address, the actually history of public administration in Chile, the center of goverment, the institutions of State, the sectors in they perform the institution of Public Administration and the "inter-sectorial" of the Public Administration. Nevertheless, no reach the third unit.

I like the asignature mainly, because I could understand the functioning of the State, her Institutionality, hers entitys that control and that make each one. Also I like learn more of the Public Administration and of the different organism that interact with he.

The teacher that was teach the asignature it was Karina Doña Molina, PhD in " Estudios Americanos", mention "Pensamiento y cultura", in the University of Santiago of Chile, also have a Master in Politic cience, mention "Gobierno y Administración del Estado", in the University of Chile and Public Administration in University of Chile also.


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