A country that i would like to visit: Norway

A country I would like to visit is Norway, for its interesting history and its beautiful landscapes.

Norway is part of Scandinavian Peninsula together with Finland, Sweden and a part of Russia. This country he has lived different stages, first its territory was populated 11,000 years ago, behind, later lived the Viking era in the centuries lX and Xl. Already since 1940 Norway passed under the control of Denmark close to 400 years, then in 1814 in The Peace Treaty of Kiel Norway was delivered for part of Denmark to Sweden and at last in 1905 Norway achieves reach the independence. Today this country has a form of government called Democratic Parliamentary Monarchy and its flag is composed by 3 colors: Red, blue and white.


The geography of Norway is very varied and interesting, because have reliefs mountainous although most of territory it is composed of plateaus. Norway also has rivers, streams and fiords, in fact Norway has the highest concentration of fiords of the world.

The main reason why I would like to visit Norway is by the beauty of its landscapes and the amazing natural phenomena that can be known as the Aurora Borealis. If I manage to visit Norway I would like to explore its major cities including Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Flam, Lofoten, Tromsø and Finally some of the specific places that I would like to visit are North Cape, islands of Lofoten, the Geiranger fjord, the Akershus fortress, the Royal Palace in Oslo, Preikestolen and to visit different museums in the country.


  1. We could visit Norway together.

    Well... when we have money haha

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. OMG! Norway it’s a great place and I really want to visit this country almost once in my life. The Aurora Borealis is an awesome natural spectacle and I heard comments of the magic when this happened. The city of Trøndelag is very interesting to me, because it blend the nature and traditional culture.

    Great post!

  4. I always see the Aurora Borealis as something magic, the beautiful colors that light the Norway’s skies are just amazing, I must see them a least one time in my life. I also think that the place you chose it’s really original, I would have never thought that somebody would choose Norway, cause it’s a peaceful and not much known place. Great and original post!

  5. Norway is a beautiful place and you can also see northern lights here. So plan your Northern lights trips


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