Themed post

Resultado de imagen para mujer y equidad de genero

Nowadays, we see many injustice situations in daily life such as poverty, racism or machismo, this last situation is the one that motivates me more, focused on decreasing the inequity between men and women, the good thing about my working field is that I can be part of a policy about gender topics   

The working field related to public affairs or public administration is very broad, it is possible to work at international organizations, non-government organizations and the government, but as my profession is related more with public policies, it is better to work in the government where public policies are made up, although if you like more the topics related to academy or society, it is better to work in international affairs or NGOs where you have the option of investigating more about the topic instead of making public policies.

I would like to carry out a project focused on achieving the promotion of women rights, their participation and incidence on the social and political spaces of decision, due to that woman participate less. This would take place throughout workshops and talks that motivate women to participate, and empowered them on different spaces. Finally, is important that we, as women, be in charge of the topic because it affect us all, and, even though public administration is a good space to influence in the policies which aim to promote women rights, it is no necessary to have a career to be able to protest and influence on different public spaces.

See you in the next blog!!


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