Public Administration Affairs

The Public Administration address different topics, one of them and that has taken gain relevance in Chile in the last years is the migrant thematic.

Migrant  thematic is relevant in much aspects, one of them is the work, the migrants arrive at the different countries in search of best chances working, to improve his situation economic or because of internal problems of his country.

This considerable increase in the number of migrants in our country, exposed that the policies and the laws regarding this problem no represent the current reality, due, that the current migration law in Chile, contained mainly in Decree Law 1.094 of the year 1975, is aimed at imposing obligations on immigrants, making access and permanence difficult, and providing the Administration with broad discretionary powers, for the prompt expulsion in the face of any behavior that might seem contrary to the prevailing regime of the time.

As a result of the above, it is extremely important that measures be taken and promote public policies that aim to improve living conditions of the population migrant in Chile. One of the most important problems are those related to the rights and working conditions of migrants, because face different factors that hinder their insertion in the Chilean labor market, as working conditions, discrimination, current regulations and working conditions of the Chilean market.

Finally, I want to emphasize that is necessary create a new policy migratory in Chile, that be coherent with the current reality.

well this is my last blog, Bye!!


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